Kings Education (İngiltere, ABD)

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Kings Education (İngiltere, ABD)

İngiltere - Kemptown

Kings Education, 1957 yılında kurulmuştur ve kurulduğu yıldan itibaren İngiltere ve Amerika’da bulunan dil okulları ve kolejler arasında en kaliteli seçeneklerden biri olarak öğrencilere eğitim vermeye devam etmektedir.

Kings öğrencileri farklı ve esnek program seçeneklerinin yanı sıra, deneyimli öğretmenler, kapsamlı kaynaklar ve çok uluslu bir ortamdan da faydalanırlar. Ayrıca, endüstride öncü konumda bulunan konaklama şartlarına, rahat ulaşılan kolej konumlarına, çok sayıda aktivite, öğrenci kulübü ve gezi imkânına sahiptirler.

İngiltere’de Londra, Oxford, Brighton ve Bournemouth şehirlerinde ve Amerika’da New York, Boston ve Los Angeles’ta şubeleri bulunan Kings Education, her bir öğrencinin ihtiyacını öğrenme yaklaşımının merkezine koyarak, öğrencileri için kişiselleştirilmiş bir öğrenme planı ve süreç oluşturur. Kings, onlarca yıllık deneyimi sayesinde, öğrenciler için yalnızca bir okul değil, yeni bilgi ve anlayış kazanacakları, birbirinden farklı kültürdeki insanların zenginliklerini öğrenecekleri, temsil ettikleri kültür ile gurur duymayı, birbirine yardım eden, adaletli ve çalışkan bireyler yetiştiren bir öğrenme topluluğu olmayı hedeflemektedir.

Kings Education’da öğretmenlerin tümü DELTA, CELTA veya MA in TESOL sertifikalarından birine sahiptir. Kings, verdiği nitelikli İngilizce eğitimini sosyal aktiviteler, geziler ve sosyal sorumluluk projeleriyle zenginleştirmekte, bu sayede öğrencilerinin hem sınıf içerisinde hem de sınıf dışında İngilizcelerini pratik ederken, bireysel gelişimlerine de katkıda bulunmaktadır.  

Kings Education, tüm merkezlerinde yurt, öğrenci evi ve aile yani konaklama imkânı sunmaktadır, hem İngiltere hem Amerika merkezlerinde eğitim binalarına yürüme mesafesinde yurtlar bulunmaktadır. OFSTED ( tarafından denetlenen Kings, hem eğitim hem de konaklama açısından öğrencilerin beklentilerini karşılayacak standartlara sahiptir.

İngilizce eğitimini yalnızca gramer eğitimi ile sınırlamayan Kings, Genel ve Yoğun İngilizce programlarının yani sıra, TOEFL, IELTS ve Cambridge sınav hazırlık kursları sunmaktadır. Buna ek olarak ilgi alanlarını ya da mesleki bilgilerini geliştirmek isteyen öğrenciler için; English plus Business and Leadership, English plus Business and Finance, English plus International Business, English plus Marketing and Digital Media, English plus Law, English plus Art and Design, English for Fashion, Art and Design, English plus Film programları sunmaktadır. 

Kings Education dil eğitiminin yani sıra İngiltere ve Amerika’da lise ve üniversite eğitimi almak isteyen öğrenciler için hazırlık ve pathway programları sunarak, öğrencilerin dünya sıralamasında üniversitelere yerleşmelerine yardımcı olmaktadır.


Hi! My name is Mehmet Emir. I’m 19 years old. I’m improving my English skills because English is the most popular language all over the world and in my business career I want to work with good salary and at good company. Learning English is first and the most important requirement to achieve my dreams. 

I choose Kings New York, because I always heard good things about Kings Education, I was known they are reliable and good company. Also, I choose New York because “living in New York” and “Being Yorkers” was my dreams. That’s why I came to Kings New York.

First of all our teachers are amazing and understanding. I really love all of them. The most fun thing was presentations. Because, presentations subjects usually about our countries. I always want to learn other cultures and improve my general knowledge. I think the hardest thing was “role play” because I’m so bad actor :) 

In my first 2 months I stayed in Romoser Hall that is located in Concordia College’s campus and I shared my floor with Concordia students. It was good experience for me because I had a chance to speak with native speakers or American  guys. In my last 2 months I stayed in Koepchen Hall, that is located near to Concordia College, 5-6 minutes on feet, It was really good experience as well, because I was spending my whole day with my friends at Koepchen Hall and it is good way to practice English. Because everytime you can find someone to speak English. Bathrooms,laundry rooms was always clean. It makes me more comfortable. Thanks from me to our cleaners.

In Kings Education there are so many funny activities and trips after lessons. I tried to join all of them but for me the best activity was beach volleyball. Because I like all kind of sports games. But If you want to visit famous places in New York City, you can participate trips. Which is include Statue of Liberty, Bronx Zoo, Brooklyn Bridge, Chelsea Market also they have trips to other cities like Washington, Boston. You should join every activity. 

I had so many classmates in my experience. There are students from various countries for example Panama, Brazil, Italy, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, China, Spain, Mexico, Colombia... You can learn different cultures and you can present your culture and your country. Sharing is the best way to be happy and practice English :)

School’s location is far away from NYC. We usually take train to go to New York. It takes 38-40 minutes and train ticket costs 8.75$. And it is so simple to go to NYC.The school located in Bronxville, that is rich and safety area. In Bronxville you can find whatever you want. CVS Pharmacy and other markets 10-15 minutes from school by walk. 

I had lots of good memories during my New York adventure. I think the best memory was visiting Bronx Zoo. It was my second week and we visited to Bronx Zoo by Kings Education. I really had fun at this experience.

I stayed in Kings 4 months. And I can feel my English skills are incredibly improved. Also, I met so precious people here. I will visit their country as soon as possible. This experience makes you more sociable and confident. If you took language course here, you wouldn’t regret. Kings employees are so helpful and kind. If you have any questions or problems you can ask them. They will help you. Come to Kings New York and experience that unique moments.