Webhelp Talent Stage

Your future starts here. You're on the stage at Webhelp! We build the skills you need to get a job you love. Join us!

About Webhelp

Webhelp creates game-changing customer journeys

We are a global partner that designs, delivers, and optimizes unforgettable human experiences for today’s digital world

With more than 200+ locations in over 50 countries we cover all four corners of the world. Over 1300 of the world’s leading companies trust us to look after their brands, their services and their customers.

Across the world, more than 100,000 passionate and dedicated people make up the Webhelp family communicating in more than 80 languages. Great people deliver great service, that’s why we invest so heavily in each and every Webhelper.

You're On The Stage At Webhelp

Discover an exciting career

During this program you will develop a diverse range of skills to prepare for professional business life. What you learn on the job, you’ll take with you in your personal life.

Build and develop new skills

Our Internship program are designed to build on your strengths. Empathy. Emotional Intelligence. Active listening. And critical thinking. These are just a few key areas of professional development that will have a great impact on your daily life.

Experience global projects

We offer the opportunity to work in a global environment that supports team work, interact with our mentors and business leaders, work on a real projects.

What We Offer

Global Environment

You will have the opportunity to work in a global environment & hybrid working experience.

Training & Projects

You will work on a real project with a mentor during the internship and  get various trainings.

Job Offer

You will have the opportunity  to be offered a full – time position after the internship.

Who Can Apply?

  • If you are 4th university student and expect to graduate in 2022 summer or fresh graduate
  • You need to have a degree preferably in Engineering, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Art and Sciences Faculties from universities in Turkey or abroad.
  • Excellent command of both written and verbal English (Not only understanding but also speaking)
  • If you can work full  - time during summer season (June- August)

Application & Recruitment Process

1. Application

You must submit your application by the closing date shown in the advertisement.

2. Online Assessment

If you are one of the selected candidates remaining after the first screening, you’ll be invited to complete online tests and a personality questionnaire.

3. Online Interviews

Online assessment will be followed by an interview with the local HR department. During the online interview, you’ll be asked to describe yourself and talk about your career plan.

4. Internship Offer

If you’re selected for the Webhelp Talent Stage Internship Program you will be offered a full-time internship position contract at the department to which you applied.


Webhelp Talent Stage is an internship program that you build the skills you need to get a job you love.

- If you are 4th university student and expect to graduate in 2022 summer or fresh graduate - You need to have a degree preferably in Engineering, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Art and Sciences Faculties from universities in Turkey or abroad. - Excellent command of both written and verbal English (Not only understanding but also speaking) - If you can work full - time during summer season (June- August)

Application Deadline: April 22, 2022 Onboarding Date: June 13, 2022

Webhelp Talent Stage

Your future starts here. You're on the stage at Webhelp! We build the skills you need to get a job you love. Join us!

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